
How to Lose Weight Fast? 10 weight loss tips

                  How to Lose Weight Fast? How do you lose weight? The best approach for weight loss is reducing the number of calories you eat while increasing the number of calories you burn through physical activity. To lose 1 pound, you need an expenditure of approximately 3,500 calories. You can achieve this either by cutting back on your food consumption, by increasing physical activity, or ideally, by doing both. For example, if you consume 500 extra calories per day for one week without changing your activity level, you will gain 1 pound in weight (seven days multiplied by 500 calories equals 3,500 calories, or the number of calories resulting in a 1-pound weight gain). Likewise, if you eat 500 fewer calories each day for a week or burn 500 calories per day through exercise for one week, you will lose 1 pound. Examples of calorie content of some popular foods and beverages include the following: • One slice of original-style crust pepperoni pizza - 230 ca

What should you not microwave? What are possible negative effects of microwaving cooking?

MICROWAVE COOKING :                                                       Electromagnetics waves from a power source magnetron are absorbed by the food and food becomes hot at once. Thus, microwaves do not require any medium of transfer of heat in cooking. The microwaves can be observed, transmitted or reflected. They are reflected by metals and absorbed by food. When food is kept in the cavity of the microwave oven for cooking The microwaves generated by the magnetron strike the food and the metal walls of the oven.  Cooking with microwaves differs radically from conventional cooking methods because the heat is generated inside the food rather than being transferred to the exterior of the food by conduction, convection or radiation.   The energy of these electromagnetic radiations exide the water molecule in food which bear a positive electrical charge in one position and negative charge in other position of the molecule (dipole). When the electric field of the microwave i


    EGGS                                                                    COMPOSITION OF EGGS :   • Egg shell      It contains calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, Phosphorus pentoxide and organic matter (matrix protein & polysaccharide).  • Egg White      Egg white consists of water largely with no fat or carbohydrate but contain 8% to 12% protein. 20% to 25% of the total white of fresh eggs is thin white. Different types of proteins are present in egg white -    Ovalbumin, Conalbumin, Ovamucoid, Ovomucin, Lysozyme, Avidin (anti nutritional factor), Ovoglobulin, Ovoinhibitor.  • Egg Yolk      Egg Yolk comprises mostly 25% to 33% of  fat and 15% to 17% protein and the remaining water. Solid content of yolk is about 50%.    a. Protein : It contains different Proteins like - Lipovitellins, Phosvitin, Livetin, Low - density lipoprotein.   b. Fat : It contains triglycerides, phospholipids and lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are complexed with ph


                  IODINE DEFICIENCY DISORDERS  MICRO MINERALS - IODINE : Iodine is one of the essential micronutrients required for normal growth and development of the human brain and body. The body contain 15 to 23 mg of iodine. Over 75 per cent of this is present in thyroid gland. The rest is distributed in salivary, mammary,gastric glands and the kidneys. FUNCTIONS of IODINE  -   • Iodine plays an important role in the synthesis of triiodothyronine  (T-3 ), and thyroxine (T-4 ).  • It is important for the normal development of brain.  •   Assist in thyroid regulation.   • Thyroid hormones regulate the conversion of carotenr into active vitamin A, the synthesis of protein and the absorption of carbohydrate from the intestine. SOURCES of IODINE - Cereals, Pulses, Mustard, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Papaya.                                                                                                            IDD                 "Iodine Deficiency

What are the Composition of Milk ? || Milk & Milk Products

                       MILK & MILK PRODUCTS                                                                          Composition of Milk :  • Milk Fat  :  The flavour of milk is due to milk fat. The lipid portion includes both phospholipids and triglycerides . Others liquid materials present in milk are sterols, free fatty acids, Carotenoids and fat soluble vitamins . Carotenes are responsible for the yellow colour of milk fat.   • Milk Proteins   :   a. Casein : Casein institutes 80% of the total nitrogen in milk. The remaining whey protein constitutes lactoglobulin and lactoalbumin.  b. Whey Proteins : Whey protein made up of alpha-lactoalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin, serum albumin, the immunoglobulins, enzymes and proteus - peptones. •   Milk Sugar : Milk contains 4% to 5% carbohydrate. The chief carbohydrate present in milk is lactose, a disaccharide, although trace amounts of glucose, galactose and other sugars are also presents. •   Salt